CWDS Curriculum
Introduction to Ethnographic Interviewing eLearning
Level: Advanced Practice – Child Welfare Staff
Credits: 1
Intended Audience: This one hour eLearning module is for staff who are interested in having an introduction to the knowledge components of ethnographic interviewing.
Description of Course: This course will focus on: a) a brief discussion on the rationale for using ethnographic interviewing; b) cultural competence and communication; c) definition of ethnography; d) phases of the ethnographic interview; e) use of questioning techniques during an ethnographic interview; f) case application.
Intended Objectives:
- Recognize how cultural factors impact family and youth engagement
- Identify the ways that culture influences problem identification, help seeking
behavior and service utilization - Recognize the influence of culture on the communication between workers and clients
- Define ethnography
- Identify the goals and process of ethnographic interviewing
Topics Include:
- Definition of ethnographic interviewing
- Origins and rationale for using ethnographic interviewing
- Emerging best practices in ethnographic interviewing
- Techniques used in ethnographic interviewing