Statewide Child Welfare Directors and their Teams are attending a series of three Webinars titled “Growing and Linking our Knowledge about Data, History, and Sovereignty to Strengthen ICWA Practice and CPM Leadership Behaviors.” The series of webinars are intended to be action oriented where the participants have an opportunity to come together to increase their knowledge about ICWA and share ideas on how they can incorporate the CPM leadership behaviors in changing practice while working with Native American families and communities, in their respective counties. CWDS will host a ICPM with a focus on ICWA titled “ICPM Convening: Prac tice Behaviors and Strengthening ICWA Practice”. We hope to engage all of our county partners in this conversation by exploring using a culturally responsive lens – How do native children/communities experience the child welfare system within your county? How could ICPM Leadership Behaviors offer some guidance and begin to shape your response to the need for a Tribal partnership, recognition of Sovereignty, and ICWA practice? We are looking forward to engaging our county partners and helping to support their work with ICPM.