What is Accessibility and Why is it Important?
Accessibility is important in terms of websites and electronic content, because individuals who have disabilities, including visual, auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical or speech, may encounter barriers when trying to access information. In most cases when web or electronic content is not accessible, this means the information is impossible for people with disabilities to read, listen to, understand, or navigate through. These barriers make the experience inequitable for individuals with disabilities and excludes them. Therefore, accessibility remediation is the technical process where electronic content and websites are fixed to prevent these barriers and provide alternate formats of web and electronic content that are easily navigable, understandable, readable, and usable. Remediation ensures equal access to information for people with all types of abilities to process information.
Additionally, CWDS received a letter from the California Department of Social Work (CDSS) in September 2021, stating that all Regional Training Academies (RTA’s) are to make sure all training materials and curriculum used in RTA training deliveries that are uploaded to the Learning Management System (LMS) California Child Welfare Training (CACWT) are accessible for individuals with disabilities, aligning with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Meet the CWDS Accessibility and Compliance Remediation Coordinator
In support of the Academy’s commitment to building an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming community and by implementing an Academy core value of being committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, CWDS hired a full-time Accessibility and Compliance Remediation Coordinator in June 2022. This role serves the purpose of ensuring advanced training curriculum that is being delivered regionally by CWDS meets accessibility compliance standards set by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). In addition to meeting compliance, the coordinator is also responsible for educating CWDS staff on the importance of accessibility and remediation and the impact this work has in providing equitable learning experiences.
CWDS welcomed Courtney Ketcham as the Accessibility and Compliance Remediation Coordinator in June 2022. She has been working professionally in higher education for 7 years and has worked for approximately 4 years in creating accessible educational electronic documents, videos, and flyers. Courtney values awareness about accessibility as well as being an ally for individuals with disabilities, stating that, “This work is rewarding because I get to help in breaking down barriers that people may encounter when learning about and trying to access information. Knowing at the end of the day I am contributing to someone’s experience of feeling included and appreciated is incredibly valuable to me. I am glad the CDSS, the Academy and CWDS support this work.”
Look out for future newsletter editions as Courtney may be including some accessibility and remediation tips, if you are interested in learning more!
Resources used:
“Introduction to Accessibility.” W3C Web Accessibility Initiative, Feb. 2005, W3 Fundamentals Intro to Accessibility. Accessed 26 Sept. 2022.