My new role provided an opportunity to follow up on the distribution of the RFA curriculum to the CACWT system. The curriculum is uploaded and accessible to trainers and training participants. After the RFA curriculum was updated, CalSWEC remediated it. That portion is completed. While the curriculum is in the content library of CACWT, CalSWEC has to actually create the class in CACWT. This item remains pending, as this final step of remediation of the curriculum is not complete.
As the new RFA Lead, I attended the Southern Regional Collaborative meeting on September 20, 2021. As the new kid on the block, I was nervous but excited to be able to represent The Academy of Professional Excellence and take down as much information as my hand could write. This is what I captured, understood and ready to share with you all.
Bill SB 354, Skinner continues the legislative process and it entered the enrolled period on September 14, 2021. It passed the Assembly and the Senate on September 10 2021. The bill in its current state is waiting any additional amendments, if no changes are made, it is sent to the governor for approval and signature.
If the bill passes, there will be some changes made to the manner in which resource families find placement for children with their relatives and non-relatives. The bill is important because it uses an individual’s past criminal history to determine eligibility. It also affects how resource families and the supporting agencies receive payment. To learn more about the changes to SB 354, please visit California Legislative Information Portal.
Here is the link
The groups focus and discussion is about AB 686’s need to ensure that RFA made accommodations that align with the Indian community standards. The Tribal Consultation Team has met and they have begun their work by creating two work groups, which includes tribal families. They are working on creating their operational baseline, the language they use when writing and amending the directives
By: Brenda S. Guzman, RFA Lead
Practice Coach – Ventura County