CWDS Curriculum
Administrative Hearings and Gomez vs. Saenz Decision
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker, Supervisor, Manager
Credits: 3
Intended Audience: Social workers, supervisors and managers who may be impacted by the Gomez vs. Saenz Settlement as well as those who may testify in administrative hearings
Intended Objectives:
- Identify findings in the Gomez vs Saenz Settlement and implications for child welfare practice
- Identify civil rights issues articulated in the Gomez vs Saenz Settlement
- Identify steps to articulate rationale in assigning a disposition in an investigation
- Identify general elements in an administrative hearing process
- Identify differences in testimony given in administrative vs juvenile court hearings
Topics Include:
- Gomez vs Saenz Settlement description
- Administrative Hearings
- Testifying in Administrative Hearings
- The role of the person filing for an Administrative Hearing
- Documentation that support testimony is the administrative hearing process
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
3.19 Student understands state and federal policy issues and child welfare legal requirements and demonstrates the capacity to fulfill these requirements in practice.
8.7 Student understands how political activities and regulatory, legislative, and judicial processes at local, state, and national levels influence agency policies, procedures, and programs.
Posted In:Legal Issues/Ethics