CWDS Curriculum
Adolescents and Substance Abuse
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker
Intended Audience: Social workers and others, who are interested in enhancing their understanding of the dynamics of teen substance abuse
Intended Objectives:
- Describe the complex and progressive nature of chemical use, abuse and dependency.
- Identify various chemicals of choice and the and its impact of the family milieu.
- Present various treatment and auxiliary interventions.
Topics Include:
- Stages and Continuum of Chemical Use
- The Disease Model
- Characteristics of the Disease
- The Effects of Mood Altering Chemicals
- Adolescent Stage of Development and Impact of Family Dynamics
- Concurrent Possible Mental Health Disorders
- Treatment Modalities, testing, 12 Step Groups & Confidentiality
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
3.1 Student demonstrates understanding of the stages, processes, and milestones of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of children.
7.2 Student recognizes potential for violence, suicide, and other potentially harmful behaviors.
7.6 Student can apply theories of human development and organizational change to develop intervention plans with clients.
Posted In:Independent Living Skills & Youth
Substance Abuse