CWDS Curriculum
Engaging Resistant Clients
Level: Advanced Practice-Lineworker
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Experienced child welfare services personnel working directly with clients or staff transitioning from one child welfare position to another.
Intended Objectives:
- Provide the worker with familiarity of common resistance patterns exhibited by families involved in the Child Welfare System.
- Increase knowledge of effective interventions to engage resistant clients in completing case plan objectives.
Topics Include:
- Resistance as an adaptive coping mechanism
- Resistance patterns
- Stages of change & behavior
- Fears associated with change
- Main dynamics involved in resistance
- Cultural considerations
- Effect on kids
- Worker’s reaction
- Case Planning
- Case Management utilizing strength based approach
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
3.07 Worker assesses family dynamics, including interactions and relationships, roles, power, communication patterns, functional and dysfunctional behaviors and other family processes.
Posted In:Engagement & Interviewing