CWDS Curriculum
Failure to Thrive
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker, Supervisor
Credits: 3
Intended Audience: This training is intended for social workers and public health nurses who assess and/or investigate child maltreatment allegations or perform inhome evaluations of child well-being
Intended Objectives:
- Understand the normal growth pattern in children and how to interpret a growth chart and how it is used
- Know how “failure to thrive” is diagnosed
- Understand the physical, emotional and developmental impact of FTT on children
- Be able to list ways in which FTT can result from child abuse and neglect
Topics Include:
- Normal growth pattern in children
- Growth Charts: how they are used and how to interpret the patterns
- Categories and Causes of FTT
- Child Abuse and FTT
- Involvement of a multidisciplinary team with FTT evaluations
- Potential Strategies for management of children with FTT
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
1.3 Student demonstrates the ability to conduct an ethnically and culturallycompetent assessment of a child and family and to develop an effectiveintervention plan.
1.4 Student recognizes personal knowledge limitations regarding specific groups and seeks consultation and expertise as needed to assess and work effectively with clients.
1.6 Student understands the influence and value of traditional, culturally-based childrearing practices and uses this knowledge in working with families.
3.3 Student is able to identify the major family, health, and social factors contributing to child abuse and neglect, as well as positive factors that act to preserve the family and protect the child.
3.7 Student is able to gather, assess, and present pertinent information from interviews, case records, and collateral sources in evaluating an abuse or neglect allegation and making effective referrals for services or further evaluation.
4.8 Student understands the requirements for effectively serving and making decisions regarding children with special needs, including the balanc
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