CWDS Curriculum
Holidays for Kids in Care: Happy? Horrible? or Both?
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Social workers, foster parents, adoptive parents, group home workers, shelter care workers and others who will be with children/youth who are separated from their families
Intended Objectives:
- To understand the impact of separation from family at the holidays
- To understand and develop empathy for the child’s feelings of ambivalence
- To explore ways to help children with the psychological tasks associated with being separated from family on a temporary or permanent basis
- To learn to “read” behavior as a cry for help
- To identify the elements of a therapeutic environment, and plan for establishing an environment of healing for children during the holidays
Topics Include:
- Specific issues raised by specific holidays
- Specific separation issues for children in care
- Emotional responses to separation
- Helping kids manage and express difficult feelings
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
1.1 Student demonstrates sensitivity to differences in culture, ethnicity and sexual orientation of clients
2.10 Student understands the effects of attachment, separation, and placement experiences for the child and the child’s family, and the effects on the child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development
2.13 Student understands the principles of concurrent and permanency planning
Posted In:Permanency: Reunification, Foster Care and Adoptions