CWDS Curriculum
Poverty and Neglected Children eLearning
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker, Supervisor
Credits: 1
Intended Audience: New and experienced lineworkers and supervisors
Intended Objectives:
- Define child neglect, poverty and the risk factors to children
- Understand poverty from an ecological framework
- Differentiate between poverty and child neglect in terms of parent and caretaker
characteristics and impact on the safety and well being of children - Know case management strategies and techniques to: engage neglectful parents,
assess risk to children, identify goals and objectives for the case plan, select services
and interventions for the family members, and formulate after care plans
Topics Include:
- Definitions of neglect and poverty
- Context of neglect and poverty
- Caregiver characteristics
- Protective factors that mitigate the effects of poverty and neglect
- CWS response to poverty and neglect
- Working with depressed and disorganized families
- Resources
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
1.2 Student demonstrates the ability to conduct an ethnically and culturally sensitive
assessment of a child and a child’s family and to develop an intervention plan
based on that assessment.
1.4 Student understands the influence and value of traditional, culturally-based
childrearing practices and uses this knowledge in working with families.
2.2 Student is able to identify strengths which act to preserve the family and protect
the child, and is able to assess the interaction of individual, family and
environmental factors which contribute to abuse and neglect.