CWDS Curriculum
Teaming Strategies
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker, Supervisor
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: This course is intended for Child Welfare social workers and supervisors who are interested in learning more about two popular teaming strategies and the positive impact on case work practice
Intended Objectives:
- Understand the value and strengths of all teaming strategies
- Understand the differences between the two strategies
- Value how family involvement leads to better decisions regarding permanency
Topics Include:
- Family Group Conferencing
- Team Decision Making
- Engagement techniques
- A mock Team Decision Making Meeting
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
1.4 Student understands the influence and value of traditional, culturally based childrearing practices and uses this knowledge in working with families.
2.2 Student demonstrates the ability to assess the interaction of factors underlying abuse and neglect and the capacity to identify strengths that act to preserve the family and protect the child.
3.4 Student demonstrates understanding of the influence of culture on human and family dynamics.
3.5 Student demonstrates understanding of how the strengths perspective and empowerment approaches can influence growth, development, and behavior change
6.6 Student works collaboratively with biological families, foster families, and kin networks, involving them in assessment and planning and helping them cope with special stresses and difficulties.
ASFA Outcomes Addressed:
- Child Safety
- Family Engagement
Teaming Strategies