CWDS Curriculum
Understanding MEPA The Multi-ethnic Placement Act Tier 2 eLearning
Level: Core (Tier 2), Advanced Practice
Credits: 1
Intended Audience: Lineworkers, Supervisors, Managers
Description of Course: This course will provide an overview of the Federal Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) that was signed into law in October 1994 and amended in 1996 by the MEPA – Interethnic Adoption Provision (IAP). The course will address the three main provisions of MEPA and assist workers in understanding how to implement MEPA in adoption and foster care placements. The course will also discuss the penalties for non-compliance with MEPA. Case scenarios and follow-up questions to increase understanding are also included in the eLearning module.
Intended Objectives:
- Identify how MEPA impacts foster care and adoption placements
- Identify the three requirements of MEPA
- List the basic intent and goals of MEPA
- Identify the role of the diligent recruitment requirement
Topics Include:
- Compliance with MEPA
- Understand penalties for non-compliance
- Meeting the three MEPA requirements
- Enforcement of MEPA