Trainer Biography
Alison Hendricks, LCSW
Alison Hendricks, LCSW, is a trainer and consultant who specializes in
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), trauma-informed
systems, and Secondary Traumatic Stress. She is a National Trainer for TF-CBT and the Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit, a product of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) that she helped to revise in 2012. Alison is an Affiliate Member of the NCTSN. She worked with the Chadwick Center of Rady Children’s Hospital for nine years, first as a trauma therapist and then as Operations Manager of the Chadwick Trauma-Informed Systems Project. She provides training and consultation on TF-CBT, trauma-informed care, and Secondary Traumatic Stress to programs across the country. Alison is the lead author on two workbooks on TF-CBT. She also specializes in Culturally Modified TF-CBT with a focus on Latino children and families. She has presented at numerous conferences and has published several journal articles on a wide variety of topics related to childhood trauma. Alison graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BA in Psychology from Columbia University and completed her MSW at Hunter College School of Social Work. She lives in San Diego with her husband and daughter.