Trainer Biography
Manny Tau, Psy.D., CTM
Dr. Manny Tau is a clinical & forensic psychologist specialized in threat assessments and active threat management, and a Certified Threat Manager by the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals. He has been extensively used as a workplace/school-place/personal violence and threat management consultant throughout the United States. He also works with many recognized federal, state, county, city and private organizations in the development of their violence prevention programs and the implementation of Threat Management Teams, along with providing expert consultation and testimony for attorneys in the labor & employment, civil, criminal and family law arenas. Dr. Tau has over 25 years of experience performing threat assessment and threat management services in the private and public sectors, which included support of law enforcement agencies and professional security firms.
Dr. Tau has provided trainings related to threat assessments and threat management, which included seminars/trainings for the California Bar Association, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, the Supreme Court of Nevada, the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center, the San Diego Sheriff’s Department Threat Assessment Group, the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals Annual Threat Management Conferences, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He has appeared in newsprint, radio, television and Internet media. Dr. Tau was also an invited TED Talk speaker for TEDx Mission Viejo in October 2016. More information can be found at