Trainer Biography
Candice Hendrickson
Candice Hendrickson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 15 years of experience in working with underserved populations through county contracted programs. Candice worked and managed services within a County Mental Health Program for over 10 years in Central California overseeing program partnerships with CWS, CalWORKS, AB-109 and providing direct services to the SUD population.
Since relocating to San Diego 4 years ago, Candice has been providing clinical oversight to inpatient SUD Residential Treatment and Withdrawal Management Programs, including perinatal and youth programs. Within the last 8 years in these different settings, Candice has provided clinical supervision, as well as providing overall staff with trainings and assistance. Candice has experience with and recognizes that case management, linkage to services, and collaboration with community partners is significant to participant success when working with co-occurring populations and families.