Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

California Statewide Core Curriculum Updates – Fall 2021


Common Core 3.5 (New Child Welfare Social Work Required Training)

CWDS began training the updated Core 3.5 curriculum in August 2021. All Core 3.5 courses are delivered in CACWT (California Child Welfare Training).  CalSWEC manages all Core 3.5 content in the CACWT system and they have been made aware of missing documents in various courses and are working to get the documents uploaded.  This CalSWEC and Core 3.5 Materials Update list provides details regarding documents CalSWEC has noted need uploading for Core 3.5 and other statewide courses.  If you have feedback and/or information to share about Core 3.5 Curriculum that is not time sensitive (ex: does not affect child safety, legislation, or the functioning of the training ) please submit your feedback to CalSWEC via this Core 3.5 Feedback Form.

Starting in January 2022 the state requires that any newly hired/onboard trainers who are eligible and interested in training Core 3.5 content will be required to complete criteria such as webinars and a facilitation course to facilitate the training.  Information about the specific requirements will be provided once they are solicited and available. CWDS providers that  facilitate Core 3.5 Courses are encouraged (not mandated) to review the Core 3.5 Overview that is available in  CACWT within 6 months of facilitating a Core 3.5 delivery. 

A Make-Up Matrix from Core 3.0- Core 3.5 is currently in development. For more information about the revised structure of Common Core for new Child Welfare Social workers please review the Common Core 3.5 Passport.  

Supervisor Core  (Child Welfare Supervisor Required Training) 

Supervisor Core curriculum continues to undergo the revision process at the statewide level and the revisions are scheduled to be completed and fully implemented by December, 2021.  A Trainer for Trainers (T4T) process will be developed and available to build capacity for supervisor Core Trainers throughout the state. 

For more information about curriculum and training request with CWDS please go to: CWDS Curriculum and Training Request Page.  CWDS continues to develop curriculum for e-learnings, micro-learnings, simulations, etc. for counties and the region as needed and/or as per request.  Please note that any curriculum developed for CWDS must meet ADA compliance standards. 

If you have any question about the information regarding statewide curriculums listed above please contact or (619) 594-3296. 


About Jenee Northcutt

Strengths: Input, Strategic, Learner, Belief, Individualization
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