Manager Core
Day 2 Effective Relationships as a Manager
Level: Core Practice – Manager
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Child Welfare Middle Managers
Intended Objectives:
- Explore the role of authority in relationships
- Develop a process for succession planning
- Define the boundaries of effective management
- List the steps and challenges in delegating
- Accept the importance of developing and maintaining relationships within an organization
- Define steps for managing for successful performance
- Identify strategies for developing a mentoring relationship in order to develop staff
Topics Include:
- Transitioning to Manager
- Delegation
- Power and Authority
- Developing Relationships
- Managing Outcomes
- Identifying Developmental Needs
- Framework for Analyzing Performance Problems
Competencies Addressed:
- LIA: Management Controls/Integrity- Assure that effective management controls are developed and maintained to ensure the integrity of the organization.
- CalSWEC 8.5: Student understands how leader/managers use the collaborative
process for the purpose of planning, formulating policy, and implementing services.