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Trainer Biography

Renee Lodder, MSW

Ms. Lodder has spent the last eleven years working in child welfare programs as a social worker, supervisor, and program coordinator. She received a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Las Vegas, Nevada in 2009.

Ms. Lodder began her career in child welfare in Las Vegas from 2006 to 2011. She worked in an ongoing unit that provided services to children and families through the life of a case, from detention to case closure. She acquired strong skill sets in facilitation of child and family team meetings and became a certified mediator in Clark County, Nevada. She was part of a team that developed and implemented safety assessment tools as well as trained staff on the “Five Protective Factors”. She was considered an expert witness and testified in several child welfare court proceedings during her time in Nevada.

Ms. Lodder relocated to her hometown of Simi Valley, CA and began working for Ventura County Children and Family Services from 2011 to present. She was a social worker in emergency response and court unit programs. She became a supervisor of ongoing training units and court unit. In 2016, Ms. Lodder became a program coordinator of placement unit and support programs for resources families. She supervises staff and works with teams to identify and support home based care options for children, as well as enhance program practices that are in line with California Continuum of Care Reform.

During her time in Ventura County, Ms. Lodder became an early adapter and implementation team member of Safety Organized Practice (SOP). She was a co-chair of the SOP implementation team, working with a twenty three member group to help implement SOP in Ventura County. Ms. Lodder was a SOP panel member at a SOP state conference in 2016. She is an active member on Ventura County’s Quality Parenting Initative advisory team. She continues to contribute to important initiatives that focus on improving outcomes for children and families.


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