Financial Abuse Training
This series of courses is designed to help APS professionals navigate the complexity of financial abuse in older adults.
- Estate Planning & Financial Abuse Issues in APS Instructor-Led Training
- Financial Exploitation elearning Mini-Modules
- Financial Exploitation: An Introduction elearning
- Undue Influence Committed by Professionals elearning
Estate Planning & Financial Abuse Issues in APS Instructor-Led Training
In this interactive and informative advanced training, participants learn the foundations of estate planning and its relation to financial abuse. They learn how to identify estate planning documents to enhance their investigations into financial abuse allegations including specific areas of actual and potential abuse. Participants will have multiple opportunities to physically review common estate planning documents and gain helpful insight on specifics to look for in their investigations. Investigation and interviewing techniques including how to document their investigations so that they are more likely to be accepted for prosecution will be covered and participants will walk away feeling more confident in investigating these complex and common abuse allegations.
Course Materials
Executive Summary
Trainer Manual
Participant Manual
Financial Exploitation eLearning Mini-Modules
This 6-part series of mini-modules are part of the Core Curriculum Module 12 – Your Financial Exploitation Toolbox. This training series was developed by the APS Training Project Bay Area Academy, San Francisco State University and the Academy for Professional Excellence, a project of San Diego State University School of Social Work.
Topics include:
Deed Theft
Identity Theft
Living Trusts
Reverse Mortgage
Undue Influence
Power of Attorney
Course Materials
Deed Theft and Foreclosure Scams TOL Supervisor Workbook
Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud TOL Workbook
Living Trust and Annuities Scams TOL Supervisor Workbook
Reverse Mortgage Abuse TOL Supervisor Workbook
Undue Influence TOL Supervisor Workbook
POA Abuse TOL Supervisor Workbook
To register visit Course Registration
NOTE: There is a $50 registration fee for each mini-module for participants from outside of California.
Financial Exploitation: An Introduction eLearning
In this engaging and highly interactive introductory eLearning, participants gain foundational information about the necessary and essential components for effective financial exploitation investigations. Trainees will understand common victim and perpetrator characteristics; learn the various types of financial exploitation; understand decision making capacity and undue influence as they are related to financial exploitation cases; and describe the primary components of a financial exploitation investigation.
Financial Exploitation – An Introduction, has been selected as Honorable Mention in the eLearning category of the 2014 International eLearning Awards Academic Division, given by the International eLearning Association.
© 2014. Academy for Professional Excellence Please acknowledge this copyright in all non-commercial uses and attribute credit to the developer and those organizations that sponsored the development of these materials. No commercial reproduction allowed.
To register visit Course Registration
NOTE: There is a $50 registration fee for each mini-module for participants from outside of California.
Undue Influence Committed by Professionals elearning
Investigating and uncovering the evidence needed to confirm financial abuse by undue influence is difficult. When that crime is committed by professionals (doctors, attorneys, ministers, accountants, to name but a few) it becomes even more daunting. This elearning course is an advanced course on the topic (1.5 CEs).
To register visit Course Registration
NOTE: There is a $50 registration fee for each mini-module for participants from outside of California.